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The Traveler Page 19

  "Maybe you're lying to me," he said quietly.

  "You'll just have to take that risk."

  "If we go to Arizona, are you sure we're going to find this Pathfinder?"

  Maya nodded. "He lives near a town called San Lucas."

  "I'll go there and meet this person. Then I'll decide what I'm going to do."

  He stood up quickly and left the room. Maya remained on the couch with the jade sword. The blade was oiled perfectly and the steel flashed as she swung the sword through the air. Put it away, she told herself. Hide its power in the darkness.


  VOICES CAME FROM the kitchen. Stepping softly so that the wooden floor wouldn't creak, Maya entered the dining room and peered through a crack in the door. Hollis and Vicki had returned. They were preparing lunch while they gossiped about their church. Apparently two old women had argued about who could bake the best wedding cake, and the congregation had taken sides.

  "So when my cousin picked Miss Anne to bake her cake, Miss Grace came to the reception and pretended to get sick eating it."

  "That doesn't surprise me. But I am surprised she didn't slip a dead cockroach into the cake batter."

  They both laughed at the same time. Hollis smiled at Vicki, and then looked away quickly. Maya made the floor creak to let them know she was in the next room, waited a few seconds, and entered the kitchen. "I talked to Gabriel. He'll put the new tire on and we'll leave tomorrow morning."

  "Where are you going?" Hollis asked.

  "Away from Los Angeles. That's all you need to know."

  "Okay. That's your choice." Hollis shrugged his shoulders. "Can you give me any information at all?"

  Maya sat down at the kitchen table. "It's a security risk to use checks or make bank account transfers. The Tabula have gotten very skillful at monitoring things like that. In a few days, you'll get a magazine or a catalog in an envelope with a German postmark. Hundred-dollar bills will be hidden in the pages. It might take two or three deliveries, but we'll pay you $5,000."

  "That's too much money," Hollis said. "It was a thousand dollars a day and I've only been helping you for two days."

  Maya wondered if Hollis would have said the same thing without Vicki watching him. If you liked another person, that made you foolish and vulnerable. Hollis wanted to look noble in front of this young woman.

  "You helped me find Gabriel. I'm paying you for your services." "And that's it?"

  "Yes. The contract is canceled."

  "Come on, Maya. The Tabula aren't going to give up. They'll keep looking for you and Gabriel. If you really want to confuse them, you should give out some false information. Make it look like you're still in Los Angeles."

  "And how would you do that?"

  "I've got a few ideas." Hollis glanced at Vicki. Yes, she was watching him. "You Harlequins are paying me $5,000. So I'll give you three more days of work."

  Chapter 27

  The next morning, Vicki woke early and made coffee and biscuits for everyone. After eating, they went outside and Hollis inspected Maya's van. He poured a quart of oil into the crankcase and switched the van's license plates with those of a broken-down car owned by a neighbor. Then he rummaged through his closets and came up with supplies: plastic water bottles and extra clothes for Gabriel, a long cardboard box to hide the shotgun, and a road map that would guide them to southern Arizona.

  Maya proposed that they carry the motorcycle in the back of the van—at least until they got out of California—but Gabriel rejected the idea. "You're overreacting," he told her. "Right now, there are more than a hundred thousand vehicles traveling on the Los Angeles freeways. I don't see how the Tabula could find me."

  "A human isn't doing the searching, Gabriel. The Tabula can access the surveillance cameras that are attached to the freeway signs. Right now, a computer scanning program is processing images, looking for your motorcycle's license plate."

  After five minutes of arguing, Hollis found some nylon cord in his garage and attached Gabriel's knapsack to the back of the motorcycle. It appeared to be a casual, improvised way to carry the knapsack, but it also concealed the license plate. Gabriel nodded and kick-started the bike as Maya climbed into the van. She rolled down the side window and nodded to Vicki and Hollis.

  By now, Vicki was used to Harlequin manners. Maya found it difficult to say "thank you" or "goodbye." Perhaps her behavior was just rudeness or pride, but Vicki had decided that there was another reason. Harlequins had accepted a powerful obligation: to defend Travelers with their lives. To acknowledge a friendship with anyone outside their world would be an additional burden. That's why they preferred mercenaries who could be used and thrown away.

  "From now on, you should be very careful," Maya told Hollis. "The Tabula have developed a tracking system for electronic transactions. They're also experimenting with splicers—genetically altered animals that can be used to kill people. Your best strategy is to be disciplined but unpredictable. Tabula computers find it difficult to calculate an equation involving randomness."

  "You just send the money," Hollis said. "Don't worry about me."

  Hollis pushed open the driveway gate. Gabriel went out first, and Maya followed him. The van and the motorcycle cruised slowly down the street, turned the corner, and then they were gone.

  "What do you think?" Vicki asked. "Will they be safe?"

  Hollis shrugged his shoulders. "Gabriel has been living a very independent life. I don't know if he's going to accept orders from a Harlequin."

  "So what do you think of Maya?"

  "On the fighting circuit down in Brazil, you walk out to the middle of the ring at the beginning of a match and the referee makes the introduction and you stare at your opponent's eyes. Some people think the fight is already over at that point. One man is just pretending to be brave while the winner is looking through the obstacle to the other side."

  "And Maya is like that?"

  "She accepts the possibility of death and it doesn't seem to frighten her. That's a big advantage for a warrior."


  VICKI HELPED HOLLIS wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Hollis asked if she wanted to go with him to his school and take the beginning capoeira class at five o'clock, but Vicki said no, thank you very much. It was time to go home.

  They didn't talk in the car. Hollis kept glancing at her, but she didn't look back. When Vicki had taken a shower that morning, she had given in to her curiosity and searched the bathroom like a detective. In the bottom drawer of the sink cabinet, she found a clean nightgown, a can of hair spray, sanitary napkins, and five new toothbrushes. She didn't expect Hollis to be celibate, but the five toothbrushes, each in a plastic case, suggested an endless series of women pulling off their clothes and lying down on his bed. In the morning Hollis would make coffee, drive the woman home, throw away the used toothbrush, and start again.

  When they reached her street in Baldwin Hills, Vicki told Hollis to park at the corner. She didn't want her mother to see them in the car and come running out of the house. Josetta would assume the worst about Hollis—that her daughter's rebellion had been caused by a secret relationship with this man.

  She turned to Hollis. "How are you going to convince the Tabula that Gabriel is still in Los Angeles?"

  "I don't have an exact plan, but I'll come up with something. Before Gabriel left, I recorded his voice with my tape recorder. If they hear him talking on a local phone call, they'll assume he's still in the city."

  "And when that's over, what will you do next?"

  "Take the money and fix up my school. We need an air-conditioning system and the landlord won't buy one."

  She must have shown her disappointment because Hollis looked annoyed. "Come on, Vicki. Don't act like a church girl. For the last twenty-four hours you haven't been that way at all."

  "And what way is that?"

  "Always making judgments. Quoting Isaac Jones every chance you get."

  "Yes. I forgot. You don't believe in anything

  "I believe in seeing things clearly. And it seems obvious to me that the Tabula have all the money and the power. There's a good chance they're going to find Gabriel and Maya. She's a Harlequin so she won't surrender . . ." Hollis shook his head. "I predict she'll be dead in a couple of weeks."

  "And you're not going to do anything about it?"

  "I'm not an idealist. I left the church a long time ago. Like I said, I'll finish this job. But I'm not going to fight for a lost cause."

  Vicki took her hand off the door handle and faced him. "What is your training for, Hollis? To make money? Is that all? Shouldn't you be fighting for something that helps others? The Tabula want to capture and control anyone who could be a Traveler. They want the rest of us to act like little robots, obeying the faces we see on television, hating and fearing people we've never met."

  Hollis shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not saying you're wrong. But that doesn't change anything."

  "And if a great battle takes place, which side will you be on?"

  She grabbed the door handle again, getting ready to go, but Hollis reached out and touched her left hand. With just a little tug, he pulled her toward him, then leaned over and kissed her on the lips. It felt as if light was flowing through both of them, only to be united for a moment. Vicki pulled away and opened the door.

  "Do you like me?" he asked. "Admit that you like me."

  "Debt Not Paid, Hollis. Debt Not Paid."

  Vicki hurried down the sidewalk and cut across a neighbor's lawn to her front door. Don't stop, she told herself. Don't look back.

  Chapter 28

  Maya studied the map and saw that an interstate highway led straight from Los Angeles to Tucson. If they followed this thick green line they would be there in six or seven hours. A direct route was efficient, but also more dangerous. The Tabula would be looking for them on the main highways. Maya decided to cross the Mojave Desert into southern Nevada, then take local roads through Arizona.

  The freeway system was confusing, but Gabriel knew where to go. He rode his motorcycle in front of her like a police escort, gesturing with his right hand to tell her to slow down, change lanes, take this ramp. At first they followed the interstate into Riverside County. About every twenty miles, they'd pass a shopping center with massive warehouse stores. Clustered around the stores were residential communities of identical houses with red tile roofs and bright green lawns.

  All these cities had names that appeared on the road signs, but to Maya they were as artificial as the plywood sets on an opera stage. She couldn't believe that anyone had traveled to these locations in a covered wagon to plow the land and build a schoolhouse. The freeway cities looked willful, deliberate, as if some Tabula corporation had designed the entire community and the citizens had followed the plan: buying homes, getting jobs, having children, and giving them up to the Vast Machine.

  When they reached a town called Twentynine Palms, they got off the main highway and turned onto a two-lane asphalt road that led across the Mojave Desert. This was a different America from the freeway communities. At first the landscape was flat and barren, and then they began to pass piles of red rocks—each hill as separate and distinct as the pyramids. There were yucca plants with sword-shaped leaves and Joshua trees with twisted branches that reminded her of upraised arms.

  Now that they were off the freeway, Gabriel began to enjoy the journey. He leaned from side to side, making graceful S curves down the middle of the empty road. All of a sudden, he began to go much faster. Maya stepped on the accelerator, trying to keep up, but Gabriel kicked into fifth gear and roared ahead of her. Furious, she watched him grow smaller and smaller until bike and rider disappeared into the horizon.

  She began to get worried when Gabriel didn't return. Had he decided to forget about the Pathfinder and go off alone? Or had something bad happened? Maybe the Tabula had captured him and now they were waiting for her to appear. Ten minutes passed. Twenty minutes. When she was almost frantic, a tiny dot appeared on the road in front of her. It grew larger, and finally Gabriel emerged from the haze. He was going very fast when he blew past her in the opposite direction, smiling and waving his hand. Fool, she thought. Damn fool.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, she watched Gabriel turn around and race to catch up with her. When he passed her again, she honked the horn and flashed the headlights. Gabriel pulled out into the opposite lane and drifted alongside the van as Maya rolled down the window.

  "You can't do that!" she shouted.

  Gabriel did something to the motorcycle so that it got even louder. He pointed to his ear and shook his head. Sorry. Can't hear you.

  "Slow down! You've got to stay with me!"

  He grinned like a mischievous boy, pulled back on the accelerator, and raced away from her. Once again, he headed down the road and was absorbed by the haze. A mirage appeared on a dry lake bed. The false water sparkled and flowed beneath the white sun.


  WHEN THEY REACHED the town of Saltus, Gabriel stopped at a combination general store and restaurant that was designed to look like a pioneer's log cabin. He filled up his motorcycle's fuel tank and went into the building.

  Maya pumped some gasoline into the van, paid the old man running the general store, and passed through an open doorway into the restaurant. The room was decorated with farm tools and wagon-wheel light fixtures. The stuffed heads of deer and mountain sheep hung on the walls. It was late in the afternoon and no other customers were there.

  She sat in a booth opposite Gabriel and they spoke to a bored waitress wearing a stained apron. The food came quickly. Gabriel wolfed down his hamburger and ordered a second one while Maya picked at her mushroom omelet.

  People who crossed over into different realms often became spiritual leaders, but Gabriel Corrigan didn't show any sign of spirituality. Most of the time he acted like an ordinary young man who liked motorcycles and put too much ketchup on his food. He was just another citizen—that's all—and yet Maya felt uncomfortable being around him. The men she had known in London loved the sound of their own voice. They listened to you with one ear while they waited for their turn to speak. Gabriel was different. He watched her carefully, focused on what she was saying, and seemed to respond to her different moods.

  "Is your name really Maya?" he asked.


  "So what's your last name?"

  "I don't have one."

  "Everyone has a last name," Gabriel said. "Unless you're a rock star or a king or something like that."

  "In London, I called myself Judith Strand. I entered this country with a passport that said I'm a German citizen named Siegrid Kohler. I'm carrying backup passports from three different countries. But `Maya' is my Harlequin name."

  "What does that mean?"

  "Harlequins pick one special name when we're twelve or thirteen years old. There's no ritual to follow. You simply decide on a name and tell your family. Names don't always have an obvious meaning. The French Harlequin who calls himself `Linden' is named after a tree with a heart-shaped leaf. A very fierce Harlequin from Ireland calls herself Mother Blessing."

  "So why are you called Maya?"

  "I picked a name that would annoy my father. Maya is another name for the goddess Devi, the consort of Shiva. But it also means illusion, the false world of the senses. That's what I wanted to believe in—the things I could see and hear and feel. Not the Travelers and the different realms."

  Gabriel looked around at the dingy little restaurant. WE TRUST IN GOD, said a sign. ALL OTHERS, PAY CASH.

  "What about your brothers and sisters? Are they also running around with swords looking for Travelers?"

  "I was an only child. My mother came from a Sikh family that had lived in Britain for three generations. She gave me this ..." Maya raised her right wrist and displayed the steel bracelet. "This is called a kara. It reminds you not to do anything that could cause shame or disgrace."

  Maya wanted to finish the meal and leave the restaurant. I
f they were outside, then she could put her sunglasses back on and conceal her eyes.

  "What was your father like?" Gabriel asked.

  "You don't need to know about him."

  "Was he crazy? Did he beat you?"

  "Of course not. He was usually in some other country trying to save a Traveler. My father never told us where he was going. We never knew if he was alive or dead. He would miss my birthday or Christmas, and then would show up at some unexpected moment. Father always acted like everything was normal, that he had just been around the corner for a pint of beer. I missed him, I guess. But I also didn't want him to come home. That meant we had to resume my lessons."

  "And he taught you how to use a sword?"

  "That was just one part of it. I also had to learn karate, judo, kickboxing, and how to fire different kinds of guns. He tried to make me think a certain way. If we shopped at a store, he'd suddenly ask me to describe every person we had seen. If we were riding in the Underground together, he'd tell me to look at everyone in the car and determine the sequence of battle. You're supposed to attack the strongest person first and work your way down."

  Gabriel nodded as if he understood what she was talking about. "What else did he do?"

  "When I got older, Father would hire thieves or drug addicts to follow me through the streets after school. I had to notice them and figure out a way to escape. My training was always out on the street, as dangerous as possible."

  She was about to describe the fight in the Underground with the football thugs, but fortunately the waitress arrived with the second hamburger. Gabriel ignored it and tried to continue the conversation.

  "It sounds like you didn't want to become a Harlequin."

  "I tried to live a citizen life. It wasn't possible."

  "Are you angry about that?"

  "We can't always choose our path."